Vet-Aid is a patented, veterinarian recommended, all natural skin irritation and wound care product for animals.
Vet Aid, Inc. is dedicated to providing veterinarians and their patients with all natural products that effectively help protect against infection and nourish healthy cells in animals of all sizes.
Our innovative products combine peptide enzymes with natural elements and minerals to help regenerate and protect living cells. Vet Aid ensures superior wound care by offering safe, high quality, pharmaceutical grade and cost effective products.
The patented formula used to create our Vet Aid line of products is a sterile solution comprised of reverse osmosis water, coral reef sea salt and lysozyme. Vet Aid is an all-natural product that was produced to clean and heal wounds without using harmful antiseptics and disinfectants. Antiseptics and disinfectants kill bacteria, but they are also harmful to healing tissues (they are damaging to migrating and regenerating epithelial cells), and the inflammatory cells that debride necrotic debris and harmful bacteria. The goal of Vet Aid is to kill microbial invaders and provide essential minerals to enhance cell growth and repair resulting in a faster healing time. This formulation is also the optimum environment for the lysozyme to work most efficiently. It helps increase blood flow at the affected site it provides the essential elements and minerals that are used as cofactors for enzymes used for repair and new cell growth.
Its packaging is also one of its many great features; it is packaged in a state-of-the art container that keeps the solution sterile from start to finish of the product. The interior lining prevents bacteria and any other airborne particles from entering and contaminating the solution.
Vet Aid spray can be used for topical cleansing, and debriding of any type of wound, including hot spots, de-gloving injuries, burns, lacerations, abrasions, post-surgical wounds pyoderma and pododermatitis. Due to the nature of solution Vet Aid can also be used for oral and ocular wounds.
Vet Aid Spray and Foam contain two key ingredients; Lysozyme and Coral Reef Sea Salt.
The patented formula used to create our Vet Aid line of products is a sterile solution comprised of reverse osmosis water, coral reef sea salt and lysozyme. Vet Aid is an all-natural product that was produced to clean and heal wounds without using harmful antiseptics and disinfectants. Antiseptics and disinfectants kill bacteria, but they are also harmful to healing tissues (they are damaging to migrating and regenerating epithelial cells), and the inflammatory cells that debride necrotic debris and harmful bacteria. The goal of Vet Aid is to kill microbial invaders and provide essential minerals to enhance cell growth and repair resulting in a faster healing time. This formulation is also the optimum environment for the lysozyme to work most efficiently. It helps increase blood flow at the affected site it provides the essential elements and minerals that are used as cofactors for enzymes used for repair and new cell growth.
Lysozyme is an antibacterial enzyme which occurs naturally in all human tears, saliva, mucus and milk. Lysozyme was discovered by the Nobel Prize winning scientist Alexander Fleming, who also discovered Penicillin. Lysozyme targets bad bacteria and leaves the good bacteria alone. The good bacteria help accelerate the healing process.
Sea Salt has over eighty trace elements & minerals, which are essential to cell regeneration. It creates an environment where the Lysozyme can do its job most effectively.
Patented Formula Click Here to Learn More

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The Advanced Barrier SystemState Of The Art Packaging Protects Your Safety And Investment Vet-Aid Spray’s patented formula is packaged under sterile conditions. The state of the art can contains an interior lining which prevents bacteria or any other airborne particles from contaminating the contents. The 360-degree non aerosol dry mist sprayer is ozone friendly while the package itself is recyclable. Vet-Aid Spray is packaged in a hermetically sealed, FDA compliant pouch that keeps the formula separated from the compressed air. The patented pouch consists of a laminated structure of polypropylene on the contact side, a center layer of aluminum foil and a polyethylene terephthalate outer layer.
ABS Advantages
Maintains total product integrity and extends shelf life
Allows all altitude (360-degree) dispensing of the product
Overall performance characteristics are excellent for many hospitals, medical and pharmaceutical applications
100 percent inspection minimizes any bag defects
Pregassing with a post gassing pressure check minimizes micro leaks
60-70% utilization of can volume, better than any other barrier pack
Evacuation up to 99+%
Contents are hermetically sealed for the life of the product
Quiet, non chilling product discharge